Stroke Solutions for Patients & Caregivers

Transitional Stroke Care Services

We offer a range of comprehensive and compassionate services, including:

  • We conduct comprehensive reviews of your medical history and stroke events to tailor your recovery plan effectively.

  • Our team develops tailored strategies to manage risk factors, helping prevent future strokes.

  • We handle your prevention medication prescriptions and refills to ensure you have consistent access to necessary treatments.

    We do NOT prescribe controlled substances.

  • We refer you to top rehabilitation therapists and other specialists to support your recovery process comprehensively.

  • We provide in-depth education on stroke recovery and risk factors, empowering you and your caregivers with essential knowledge.

  • We work closely with your primary care providers to ensure seamless and continuous care throughout your recovery journey.

    We do NOT replace your Primary Care Provider.

  • We connect you with local community groups and support networks for additional resources and support.

Experience the difference with Next Step

Unlike traditional stroke follow-up clinics with long wait times, we offer flexible appointments and dedicate ample time to each patient, ensuring personalized and thorough care. Our home visit option is ideal for those with mobility issues, and our Telehealth services make accessing care convenient for all.

Connect With Us to
Start Moving

Your health and peace of mind are our top priorities. By choosing Next Step Stroke Clinicians, you are ensuring a dedicated and expert approach to your well-being. Our swift appointment times, personalized care plans, and comprehensive support will make a significant difference in your journey to better health. Don’t delay—contact us today to take the next step towards a confident and well-supported recovery.