Helping you Thrive After a Stroke

Getting out of the hospital was the first step in your recovery.

We are your Next Step.

The first 90 days after a stroke is the most critical time to understand why your stroke occurred and how to prevent another one. Our expert team provides personalized support and resources needed to navigate this critical time.

From thorough review of your hospital stay to tailored stroke risk factor reduction strategies, we are here to help you achieve a smoother, more confident recovery. Partner with us to reduce complications and prevent set backs in your recovery.

Next Step Stroke Clinicians are Advanced Practice Nurses who are licensed to practice independently in Colorado.

We provide Telehealth & In-Person Services using a direct pay model.

Next Step Stroke Clinicians are your partners in stroke recovery.

Change starts with the Next Step

How We Can Help

We provide the following services:

Stroke Work Up Review & Explanation

Risk Factor Management

Medication Prescriptions/Refills

Specialist & Rehabilitation Referrals

Patient & Caregiver Stroke Education

Collaboration with Primary Care Providers

Community Resources

  • What People Are Saying

    "I have worked closely with all of the providers in this group for many years and I can personally attest to their passion and dedication to the world of stroke. They know the guidelines for stroke treatment and prevention like the back of their hands, and they are highly skilled at real world application to individual patients. The treatment and counseling they provide is detailed, compassionate, and goal driven, which has directly led to the improvement of patient and family lives in the aftermath of stroke."

    Emily L., Neurologist.

  • What People Are Saying

    “Working with Next Step Stroke Clinicians has been an inspiring experience. Their expertise and commitment to their clients' recovery make them a standout in the field of outpatient stroke support.” - J.C.

Specializing in Stroke Care for a Combined 40+ Years

Next Step Stroke Clinicians is founded on a deep understanding of stroke recovery and the complex needs of patients transitioning from hospital to home. We are committed to clear communication, professionalism, and a patient-centered approach, ensuring that you receive the highest quality of care.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Strokes happen for many reasons. We can help you understand your tests and imaging results. The tests done in the hospital and how your stroke looks on brain scans often tells us why it happened. Once we know why it happened, we can help you prevent another one.

  • Yes. A person can recover from a stroke, though the extent and pace of recovery can vary widely. We can help you achieve your best outcome.

  • Yes. You need to fully understand why your first stroke occurred in order to best prevent another one. We can help tailor a stroke prevention plan just for you.

  • Call us for a free consultation to see if our services are right for you. 720-303-1511.

  • We care for stroke survivors in Colorado.

  • Appointments are typically 30-60 minutes in length.

  • We are happy to assist you with additional appointments as needed.

  • Introductory pricing starts at $99. We also offer in-home appointments in the South and West Denver Metro area for an additional fee. You'll know our pricing up front.

Connect With Us to Start Moving Forward

Your health and peace of mind are our top priorities. By choosing Next Step Stroke Clinicians, you are ensuring a dedicated and expert approach to your well-being. Our flexible appointment times, personalized care plans, and comprehensive support will make a significant difference in your journey to better health. Don’t delay—contact us today to take the next step towards a confident and well-supported recovery.